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Script to show how long a statement will run

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Description: The script will show how long the statements will run and what is the io rate

column ssid format 9999 heading SID
column opname format a15 Heading Operation
column target format a28 Heading Target
column es format 999.9 Heading "Time|Ran"
column tr format 999.90 Heading "Time|Left"
column pct format 990 Heading "PCT"
column RATE Heading "I/O |Rate/m" just right

sid ssid, 
substr(OPNAME,1,15) opname,
trunc((sofar/totalwork)*100) pct, 
to_char(60*sofar*8192/(24*60*(last_update_time - start_time))/1024/1024/60, '9999.0')||'M' Rate,
elapsed_seconds/60 es,
time_remaining/60 tr
from v$session_longops where time_remaining > 0
order by start_time

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  • بعد 2 أسابيع...

Which DML's are running? How much Rollback

Each transaction will be put in the v$transaction table. This query will give you which rollback segment they are using and how much. It will also show how much temp space they are using. If the column STATUS shows up

column userid format 9999 Heading SID
column st format a14 heading "Start Time"
column ts format a8 heading " Tran| Status" 
column ss format a3 Just Right heading "Sess|Stat" 
column rbs format a10 just left column blocks format 999999
column used_urec format 999999 heading "Undo|Records"
column used_ublk format 999999 heading "Undo|Blocks"
column extents format 999 heading "RBS|EXT"
column pct format 999
column sze format 999 heading "TEMP|(M)"

set numw 8
set feedback on

select s.sid userid, 
substr(t.start_time,1,14) st, 
substr(s.status,1,3) ss,
rb.segment_name RBS,
trunc(blocks*8192/1024/1024) sze
from v$sort_usage su, 
v$rollstat rs, 
sys.dba_rollback_segs rb, 
v$session s, 
v$transaction t
where t.ses_addr = s.saddr and t.xidusn = rb.segment_id and t.xidusn = rs.usn and s.SADDR=su.session_addr(+)
order by to_date(t.start_time, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS')

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