الانتقال إلى المحتوى

المساعده فى حل واجب pl-sql


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

عندي واجب طويل من 20 فقرة و حليتها باقي 3 فقرات مو فاهمها فيا ليت تساعدوني مثلما تعودت منكم

الله لا يحرمكم الأجر

1. Write a PL/SQL function called MoneyTransferWithoutLoan that makes the transfer of an account with the account ID debitAccount to an account with the account ID creditAccount from the table Account of the amount Money.
Before making the transfer, the function must check if the account to debit contains enough money in the debitAccount. In this case, the function performs the money transfer and returns a TRUE value. If not, the transfer will not be performed and the function returns a FALSE value.

2. Write a PL/SQL block that asks the user to enter the debitAccount number, creditAccount number and the amount of money, and that uses MoneyTransferWithoutLoan function to transfer the amount of 2000 SAR from the account AC102 to the account AC103. Finally, it prints “The money transfer has been correctly executed” if the result if true, otherwise, it prints “The money transfer has failed. No available credit”.

3. Write a PL/SQL block that adds the amount of 2000 SAR to the accounts of all Professors in the Bank Al-Rajhi.

تم تعديل بواسطة ericxy
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