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عندي سؤال حول حقل التاريخ Sql Date In


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اخواني عندي جدول عملته في SQL وطبعا فيه attributes اسمه Date of Birth كيف ادخل بيانات التاريخ يعني كيف الصيغة هل 11/12/2008 أم 11-12-2008؟
لمن جربتهم طلع لي error
أرجو المساعدة لأن الموضوع ضروري ولازم أخلصه بأقرب وقت (Assingment :(

سؤال أخر اذا سمحتم اريد تعريفات مختصرة لبعض المصطلحات الآتية :

-1 Grant
-2 Revoke
-3 Viwes
-4 Domains
-5 Tiggers
-6 Procedures

ارجو الرد في اقرب وقت ممكن PLZ
اختم في الله : sunfoor

رابط هذا التعليق

بالنسبة لسؤالك الاول .... قومى بتنفيذ الكود التالى :-

select sysdate from dual;

و الناتج هو التنسيق الملائم للتاريخ التى يفترض ان تستخدميه لجمل ال insert

اما فى حال اذا اردتى ان تغيرى التنسيق فقومى بأستخدام ال nls_date_format كما هو مشروح بهذه الصورة :-

Grant تستخدم لمنح الصلاحيات للمستخدميين ، و ال Revoke لسحب هذه الصلاحيات ، اما ال View فهى كائن يقودك الى البيانات التى تم تجميعها من اكثر من جدول ، و ال Procedure هو أجراء يتم صنعه و حفظه فى قاعدة البيانات من اجل تنفيذه فى اى وقت ، و ال Trigger هو كائن يتم تنفيذه اوتومتيكياً عندما يحدث شىء معين فى قاعدة البيانات .

نصيحة منى استخدمى وسيلة البحث فهى أوفر فى الوقت و افضل فى وفرة البيانات .

و بالتوفيق

رابط هذا التعليق

بس ياريت لو كانت التعريفات بالللغة الإنجليزية .

Grant/Revoke :-

An option (grant) from the Oracle Data Browser File menu that you use to let others access your query, if the query is stored in an ORACLE database. You can withdraw the Grant option using the Revoke command.

View :-

A view is the result of a SQL query stored in the Oracle data dictionary. One can think of a view as a virtual table or presentation of data from one or more tables. Views are useful for security and information hiding, but can cause problems if nested too deep. View details can be queried from the dictionary by querying either USER_VIEWS, ALL_VIEWS or DBA_VIEWS.

Domain :-

domain (1) A division of names guaranteed to be unique. Domains are related hierarchically in a naming model. (2) In Oracle CASE products, a set of business validation rules, format constraints, and other properties that apply to a group of attributes. For example, a list of values, a range, a qualified list or range, or any combination thereof.

Trigger :-

(1) A PL/SQL procedure that is executed, or "fired," at runtime. (2) A stored procedure that is fired (implicitly executed) when an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is issued against the associated table. Database triggers can be used to customize a database management system with such features as value-based auditing and the enforcement of complex security checks and integrity rules. For example, a database trigger might be created to allow a table to be modified only during normal business hours. (3) An anonymous PL/SQL block that is executed in response to a SQL*Forms runtime event. (4) In CASE*Method, trigger is used in the sense that an event will trigger one or more functions or that a function may be triggered by the completion of another function (an implied event). See also event. (5) In ORACLE SQL*Forms, trigger is used to denote some computer processing that is carried out under certain conditions. There are, for example, triggers that may be actioned before or after the insertion of a row. These would be called pre-insert and post-insert triggers. The processing for a trigger would typically be written in SQL or PL/SQL.

Procedure :-

procedure A set of SQL and PL/SQL statements grouped together as an executable unit to perform a very specific task. Procedures and functions are nearly identical; the only difference between the two is that functions always return a single value to the caller, while procedures do not return a value to the caller.


have a nice day

رابط هذا التعليق

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