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شرح Plsql

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سوف ابدا سلسله شرح لل plsql
الدرس الاول


-	Block Structure

Pl SQL program are divided up into structures know as blocks, with each block containing Pl SQL and SQL statements 
The typical PL SQL block has the following structure.

Declare         -- optional
           Declaration_statements – [ variables , constant , user defined exceptions , cursors ] 

Begin -- mandatory
          [sql statements , PL SQL statements ]

Exception    -- optional    
               [ Actions to perform when errors occur ]

End ;           -- mandatory

Every statement is terminated by a semicolon ; And block is terminated using the END keyword

-	Type of variables 

PL SQL Variables:

Such as [ number , varchar2 , Boolean , date ]

Record that contain variables such as [ number , date ]


Large objects lob

Non-PL SQL Variables:

[ Bind variables , Host variables ]

-	Identifier variables in PL SQL

Identifier ( constant ) data type ( not null ) [ : = / default expression ] Or Using  % type attributes

-	Block Structure Types:

Anonymous block  -- Dose not have a name 
Such as [ procedure , Function , trigger ]

-	Anonymous block examples 

1-	Display and Retrieve data
Select  Column Names
Into [ variables , records name ]
From table name
Where [ condition ]


               V_ID              emp.empno%type;
               V_Name      emp.ename%type;
               V_Sal             emp.sal%type;
   Begin Select  Empno,Ename,Sal
   Into v_Id,V_Name,V_sal From       EMP
   Where Empno=7788;
   dbms_output.put_line(v_id||' ' ||v_Name|| ' ' ||To_Char(V_Sal));

2-	Insert case 

Begin Insert Into Emp ( empno , Ename)
Values ( 200,'islam');
End; Or Declare 
            V_empno     emp.empno%type:=&no;
            V_ename    emp.ename%type:='&name';
Begin Insert Into Emp ( empno , Ename)
Values (v_empno,V_ename);

3-	Update case

           V_sal_increase    emp.sal%type:=&sal;
Begin Update emp
Set sal=sal+v_sal_increase
Where empno=7788;

4-	Delete case 

         V_id    emp.empno%type:=&no;
Begin Delete from emp Where empno=v_id;

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جزاك الله خيرا ........................
جزاك الله خيرا ........................
جزاك الله خيرا ........................

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