الانتقال إلى المحتوى

اوامر للتعامل مع الـ Scripts

Osama Soliman

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الاخ الاعزاء :
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نحتاج فى كثير من الأحيان خصوصاً عن بدء انشاء النظام أو عند نقله من مكان لاخر
الى التعامل مع ملفات الاوامر Scripts وفيما يلى بعض الأوامر للتعامل مع هذه الملفات :

Using Script Files
SQL*Plus provides commands to save the SQL buffer to a file, as well as to
run SQL statements from a file. SQL statements saved in a file are called a
script file.
You can work with script files as follows:
To save the SQL buffer to an operating system file, use the command
SAVE filename. If you do not provide an extension, the saved file will
have an extension of .sql.
By default, the SAVE command will not overwrite an existing file. If
you wish to overwrite an existing file, you need to use the keyword
To add the buffer to the end of an existing file, use the SAVE filename
APPEND command.
You can edit the saved file using the EDIT filename command.
You can bring the contents of a script file to the SQL buffer using the
GET filename command.
If you wish to run a script file, use the command START filename.
You can also run a script file using @filename.
An @@filename used inside a script file looks for the filename in the
directory where the parent script file is saved and executes it.

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