الانتقال إلى المحتوى

المساعده في حل هذه الاسئله ضرورى

الحياه حلوه

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a) Discuss with relevant examples the online transaction processing
(OLTP) and online analytical processing (OLAP) systems.
B) Using relevant examples and diagrams discuss the data modeling
done for OLTP and OLAP systems.

Discuss with relevant examples how a data warehouse will help in strategic
decision making of any organization / business sector.
You may refer to the given research article or any other appropriate
resources and consider banking/hyper markets/education/automobile or
any other sector of your choice in writing an appropriate solution.

Using the Warehouse Builder software available in the College Database Lab
demonstrate using necessary screenshots the steps to extract data from any
operational system in an Oracle database and any other heterogeneous
source into the Warehouse Builder.

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