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بعض الأسئله عن اوراكل اتمنى الاجابه بأسرع وقت

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عندي كم سؤال اتمنى احد يجاوبني عليها .. تعبت وانا ابحث ومو قادره افهم ولا اعرف .. مع اني اعتقد الاجابه جدا بسيطه

اسألتي عن اوراكل... اشياء جدا بيسك

ابغى اعرف الـ :
–Database size
–Database cost
–Concurrent users

واذا تعرفون بعض الـ futures بعد أكون جدا ممتنه لكم ....

اتمنى للجميع التوفيق ..

رابط هذا التعليق

الاخت الكريمة
1- تعرف ب logical boundary بمعني مساحة منطقية محوزة لاوراكل عن طريق ما يعرف ب tablespace وتتمثل هذه المساحة فيزيائيا بملفات وهي datafiles, control files and redo log files ويمكنك عمل مشاهدة لها monitor

2-يمكنك تعريفها علي أنها
General principles are given which allow the analyst either to estimate rapidly the costs of a wide variety of alternatives or to investigate fewer possibilities in great detail. Techniques are developed which can be used at any level of the iterative design process - at the early stages or at the detailed phase of specific design. The paper applies the methods to the basic categories of file cost at the simpler levels of analysis and refers to the literature for more sophisticated analyses, which can be done within the framework provided here. Among the specific results developed are: the extension of a widely-used hit ratio formula to non-uniform usage distribution; the introduction of the "distribution of depths" for serial accesses; a general activity analysis and a volatility analysis for indexed sequential files.

A concurrent user is a person who is accessing a system resource at the same time as one or more other users. Many computer programs support concurrent users. In the case of software, a software license may specifically limit the number of concurrent users a program will support; for example, teleconferencing software might support up to 20 concurrent users at any given time. Software companies use this as a way of providing multiuser functionality while still controlling how many people use their programs.
Concurrent users can view items like files simultaneously across a network, and they can also access software programs in similar ways. This allows offices to do things like buying one copy of a software program with attached concurrent user licenses so that everyone in the office can use the software. This is much cheaper than equipping each computer with a separately licensed version of the software and paying for each computer every time updates are released.
When people purchase software with concurrent user options, they are provided with information about how many concurrent users the software will support. Some companies require each user to be registered, while others allow a set number of unidentified users. If users are registered, the software may allow people to deregister people or devices and reregister different people and devices. This allows for flexibility in using the software without violating the terms of the software license.

4-response time for each query and the throughput of the entire database server the control of network traffic, disk I/O, and CPU time. based on application requirements, the logical and physical structure of the data, and tradeoffs between conflicting uses of the database, such as online transaction processing (OLTP) versus decision support.

5 لفهم ذلك يوجد عرض رائع هنا

6- كلمة اعتياديه تعني مورد


A vendor (pronounced VEHN-duhr , from French vendre , meaning to sell) is any person or company that sells goods or services to somone else in the economic production chain. Parts manufacturers are vendors of parts to other manufacturers that assemble the parts into something sold to wholesalers or retailers. Retailers are vendors of products to consumers. (When you have a street fair, the people who set up booths and tables are often referred to as vendors.) In information technology as well as in other industries, the term is commonly applied to suppliers of goods and services to other companies.
A machine that takes your money and gives you a product is known as a vending machine .


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