الانتقال إلى المحتوى

ساعدووووووووووني :(


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1- write a query to display the employee name and hiredate for all employees in the same department as Blake.Exclude Blake.

2- Create a query to display the employee number and name for employees who earn more than the average salary.Sort the results in descending order of salary.

3- write a query that will display the employee number and name for all employees who work in a department with any employee whose name contains a T.

4- display the employee name,department number,and job title for all employees whose department location is Dallas.

5- display the employee name and salary of all employees who report tp King.

6- display the department number,name,and job for all employees in the Sales department.

:) :) :blink: :( :(

رابط هذا التعليق

السلام عليكم

السؤال الأول

select empname,hiredate 
from emp
where dept_id=(select dept_id from emp where  initcap(empname) like 'Blake')
and empname not like  intcap(empname)

السؤال الثانى

select emp_id,enpname
from emp
where salary >(select avg(salary) from emp)
order by salary desc

السؤال الثالث

select emp_id,enpname
from emp
where upper(empname) like'%T%'

وسوف اكتب لك باقى الاجابات ان شاء الله وارجو من الأخوة الاعضاء التعليق على الاجابات والمراجع لتعم الفائدة

تم تعديل بواسطة m_ahmed
رابط هذا التعليق

اتفضل اخوي

4- display the employee name,department number,and job title for all employees whose department location is Dallas

select   Empname, depno,job_title
 from employee, department
where deptlocation=dallas

display the employee name and salary of all employees who report tp King- 5

select   empname, salary
from employee,salary where report tp=king

display the department number,name,and job for all employees in the Sales department- 6


تمنى تكون صحيحة لأني مبتدئة و اذا فيها خطأ ياريت التصحيح :)

رابط هذا التعليق

انضم إلى المناقشة

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