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عدم ظهور أسم ال General Ledger في شاشة ال Journales

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أنا أنشئت Legal Entity بأسم الشركة بتاعتي وتم التسجيل بنجاح وعندما دخلت شاشة Journales لم أجد أسم ال ledger بتاعي اللي انا عملته.ماذا أفعل؟


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  • بعد 4 أسابيع...

 One thing you might want to try is to generate a trace with binds and try to read the qeries. 1) Go to / Help / Examine / Trace and select the "Trace with Binds" option. You will be given the location of the file that will be generated.2) Then reproduce the error, either in the journal or the open period3) Go to / Help / Examine / Trace and set the trace to off. The file location will be displayed again. I like to look at the "raw" .trc file, because that shows the bind variables. You can also tkprof the results and see which queries returns no rows. This might help in determining the issue. Cheryl






لعلك تنظر الى ملفات trc او log files اللي عندك

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