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أوامر ال SQL


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﴿SQL * PLUS :rolleyes



- SQL *PLUS: = is an Oracle Tool that lets you access the database structure directly.

It can let you:

1-Build Tables, indexes.

2-Execute Queries.

3-Up date Database Objects, etc.

SQL *PLUS: Enter your user name and SQL *PLUS will display the prompt "Enter password:"

Using (SCOTT as a username) and (TIGER as a password)

Then SQL *PLUS will display its prompt:



1-Creating a Table: = to create a table in an ORACLE database use the

CREATE TABLE table_ name:


(Column name type (size) [Null / Not Null],

Column type (size) [Null / Not Null]...);



Create table

To see a description of the my_emp table



*How to create a table from other table:-


SQL>create table DEPT 30

As select EMPNO, ENAME, SAL from MY_EMP where DEPTNO=30;

Create table

*To see the description of dept30, enter:




2- Altering a Table: - Use the Altering Table command to change the definition of a table.

*Alter Table can do:






For example: =


Alter table







3-Rename a Table:- To Rename a database object ,the syntax is :

(RNAME old TO new)

Example: SQL>Rename my_emp to B4cse;



4-Dropping a Table: Mean Delete a Table;


Example:- SQL>Drop table my_emp;

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